A Reluctant Aristocrat
Guy Mackenzie
Assorted Memories of My Unconventional Life by Guy Mackenzie. See list of stockists below or contact us at: info@mackenzie-glenmuick.org.uk.
Guy was interviewed by BBC Cornwall's Matt Shepherd about the book:
List of Stockists:
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A Reluctant Aristocrat is £12.60 or £15.00 including postage within the UK.
Reviews of "A Relucant Aristocrat"
Dave Bartram, Showaddywaddy:
Guy's wide-ranging memoirs make for an intriguing and entertaining read. Indeed his much to be admired lust for life serves as a shining example to all would-be adventurers both young and somewhat longer in the tooth.
On a personal note; I can only say how thrilled I am that SHOWADDYWADDY's much cherished 'Blue Moon' guitar remains in safe and trusted hands for the foreseeable future.
Frank Allen, The Searchers:
"I finished your book from end to end and loved it. It made the tube journeys into London and back, on my social evenings, fly by."
May Wootton:
"Thank you for the glowing mention of Supersound – it is very nice to know that all our hard work will not be forgotten."
Mary Wootton (aged 93) who with her husband, Alan, formed Supersound Electronic Products (amps, guitars & basses) in 1952 and ran the Company until 1974!
Gary Davies:
"A most enjoyable & entertaining read that casts a lot more light on the varied life and exploits of the author".
Gary Davies is the author of "Anniversary Strat" www.anniversarystrat.com
Toni Carver:
"A Reluctant Aristocrat: Assorted Memories of my Unconventional Life by Guy Mackenzie is his look through his life which took him though a series of experiences which, extraordinarily could be described as ‘iconic moments’ in the history of his times, and the places."
Toni Carver, St Ives Times & Echo, April 12th, 2024 Full review available to read as a PDF download: St Ives Times & Echo review of A Reluctant Aristocrat (PDF, 13MB)
Some more reader reviews and photos of my book "out in the wild!":
Joan Gracie (widow of Rock n Roll legend, Charlie Gracie) pictured at her home reading my book!
"How wonderful...even Fabulous!"
George Buddy:
One of the highlights of my life was reading your book!' - George Buddy, Milton Keynes.
Faringdon Tower & Blue John Caverns and Mine
Guy tried to buy this folly in 1972. The surveyor's bill for the structural survey and submitting a planning application... just £22!
For the full story see pages 136 and 137 in the book! Faringdon Folly also has a website dedicated to it with lots of useful information about it: www.faringdonfolly.org.uk
And in 1970, Guy visited the "World Famous" Blue John Caverns and Mine. Full story on page 140 of the book!
More from Guy's book...
Should Guy now be the owner of Sandringham? You decide.
On page 11 Guy tells that his great grandfather, James Thompson Mackenzie, lent the then Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) about £100,000 secured on the deeds of Sandringham.
The loan is well documented (although the amount differs) including by Jane Ridley in her book "Bertie. A Life of Edward VII".
Her book indicates that the loan was repaid (following an email exchange with Guy on 29th September 2017) apparently, initially, relying on a conversation she'd had with Penny Crowe - who had apparently obtained her information from Guy!!
But, in the same email, Jane Ridley did concede "It's not possible to verify this, as there are no accounts of the Prince of Wales's debts"
Just for the record, Guy confirms that the loan was never repaid.
Pages 44, 46 & 47: include the story with pictures of "the English Girl" who Guy met in France in 1964 (Guy briefly became her "Knight in Shining Armour"!).
July 2023 update: by chance her identity can now be revealed - June Kerr of Brockley, London!
Pages 95 & 96 plus 107 & 108: tell the story of Herland Barns & The Small Single Storey Barn where Guy's "longest serving tenant" was single mum Mandy who moved in during the 1990s with young daughter, Charlotte.
July 2023 update: Charlotte Michelson (just 31) and her partner, Nathan, are now fabulously successful business owners of Property, Restaurants and online shop Her Pink Moon (www.herpinkmoon.co.uk)!!
Page 32 Guy tells the story of the rather battered Cadillac he bought in the States in 1980.
2024 update: The same car, restored and resprayed red, appeared in a Matthewson's (of TV's "Bangers and Cash") auction where it sold for just £4,200 with a "believed genuine" mileage of 51,200! Ummm.... If only Guy had known!
On page 117 Guy tells the story of the Audit Commission's investigation into the delay of the award of the Kerrier Leisure Contract.
Surely the other "winner" of this debacle was Cllr Rex Sadler who was Chairman of the sub-Committee which kept delaying the award of the Contract!
Surprisingly to Guy and others, Cllr Rex Sadler was awarded an MBE in the 2009 New Year's Honours "For Services to Local Government in Cornwall"!!!
Assorted Memories of My Unconventional Life by Guy Mackenzie. See list of stockists above or contact us at: info@mackenzie-glenmuick.org.uk.